How to contact Mega Call Center and favorite questions : KABARGOAL

How to contact Mega Call Center and favorite questions

In this article, we will discuss how to contact Mega call center and what is the most common question asked by the customer; indeed, there are currently many financial products that you can choose from in Indonesia and are adapted to individual or non-personal needs.

Bank Megaitself is an Indonesian company in the form of a limited liability company.  Of course, you know that Bank Mega is involved in the financial services of a jakarta-based bank.Mega Bank has been around since 1992 as part of CT Corp.

Like products from banks in general, Bank Mega also has savings products. The savings product also provides transactions such as money transfers, cash withdrawals, balance checks, payments, purchases, purchases and so on. Of course,  there are Mega call centres  ready to serve customers if there is a complaint about criticism or advice.

The difference is, you can enjoy benefits such as a shopping protocol with a debit card that you can get 5% discount when shopping at Transmart.  Then there are other reward programs for customers who are truly eligible, and there are many protocols that suit other activities.

 Bank Mega Bank savings product options

One of the most common things that are most likely to be asked at  mega call centers  is about savings products that are usually asked by customers hoping to open a savings account.There are many products you can choose according to your needs, including:

  1. Mega Dana is a connection that is typically used by individual customers where this savings provide a moderately advanced exchange rate with an initial 100 thousand deposit.
  2. Mega Maxi, roughly the equivalent of mega funds unless the initial deposit is bigger, which has 1 million
  3. Mega Ultima is a product used to target top customers with an initial deposit of 100 million
  4. Mega Forex is the type of savings that must be neutral for capital reserves and transactions in various foreign currencies
  5. Mega Plan, this product is a gold-saving product that can help you get disciplined in savings for certain purposes, for example saving for tourism purposes, property and so on
  6. Mega Berbagi, as the name suggests where you can have a special deposit for donations , for example, your savings are distributed for school construction, places of worship and so on
  7. Mega Perdana is a savings account for children with unique designs on passports and ATMs
  8. Bank Mega Syariah saves money as sharia principal and can be for individuals and businesses

Indeed, some people have a curiosity about Bank Mega’s products so it’s not normal for them to contact a mega call center  for details about these products.This banking company provides a variety of options so you can decide to choose a savings according to your needs.

How to open an account at Mega Bank?

Once you know the different types of savings, it’s time to choose which types of savings are more suggested.  The question most likely to be asked by prospective customers next is how to open an account where you can go directly with a branch office.

The requirement to create an account on your own is very simple, you just have to satisfy one of the identity cards, for example: an ID card, a driver’s license or passport, then the NPWP, 6000 seal pages and the initial deposit according to the product you choose.You also have to attach the company’s legal documents if it is used for a business entity.

After that requirement is complete, you can come tothe nearest Mega Bank branch office.  Later you were asked to fill out an account opening form in the Customer Service section; just follow the instructions, if you had it, you would get a debit card with a passport.

Many people try to contact Mega call center because they want to open an online account.Mega Bank provides facilities for opening an online account, in an era where all applications, of course, people still need convenience so that banking services are supported by internet banking and mobile banking is becoming more popular.

For those of you who want to open an online account, the trick is to sign up at Mega ATM.Online registration through and the activation of One Time password or OTP for financial transactions. so you can choose how you think it’s easier to meet your needs.

How to Convey obstacles or Complaints in Mega Call Center?

The next question about Bank Mega is what about when a customer gets into trouble or wants to submit a complaint about savings products or services? Indeed, it’s very easy if you want to submit your complaint, just visit the official Bank Mega website page, the details are as follows:

  1. You just want to access the
  2. Find the ‘About Us’ option
  3. Click on ‘Contact Us’
  4. Later there will be a customer oversight page and then rules the customer’s complaint form
  5. Write customer complaint information starting with the problem category, account information includes account type, account number, name, name, address, phone, email and so on
  6. It also provides details of the complaint, such as the date of the incident by name and statement
  7. Then give the click to send

In addition to the above methods, you can contact the Mega Call Center or come directly to the nearest branch office so you can submit a complaint directly.In addition, there are many numbers that can be contacted that allow you to make complaints easier.

Complaint number or Call Center of Bank Mega

In addition to coming directly to the nearest branch office or submitting a complaint on the customer’s complaint form, you can contact the hotline service. Even on the main page of the website, you can interact with the livechat service on the right side of the web show.

You just click on the livechat service and then it will automatically change in theWhatsApp application.  So you can chat through the WhatsApp application at 0822 0822 5000.   You can also have two-way conversations via phone call on 080 4150 0010 for the inside and + 62 21 29601600 from abroad.

In addition to going through the Mega Call Center, you can also send criticism, advice and complaints via email Bisa also by connecting to  social media accounts, by posting or texting directly on Mega Bank Facebook, Twitter, Instagram but making sure these social media accounts are truly the official accounts of Mega Bank.

As it turns out, there are now a lot of fake bank social media accounts that really damage you if you’re not careful and careful when sending complaints or problems that are facing   you. Make sure that social media accounts are official accounts like Facebook accounts: BankMegaID, Twitter: BankMegaID, Instagram: BankMegaID.

Bank Mega always prioritizes customer satisfaction so there are a lot of options you can choose from, if you want to communicate directly with customer service for the inconvenience or complaintyou you are experiencing.You should actually contact the Mega Call Center  at the hotline number above so you can consult directly.

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